Sado-masochistic Pleasure
A connoisseur gunman shot randomly
A sexagenarian took up weapons
Killed fifty-eight people, no grudge, allegedly!
Still, they became a mass prey on thirty-two floor
Blood started trickling down the staircase
Modern civilization treads not on concert-goers
Rather, stunned humankind in helplessness!
The Mandalay Bay Hotel tied up with
Casino in Las Vegas:
The human killer injured five hundred fifteen
The music was on that saw the music of death
A rain of rapid-fire gunsmoked everything!
Amateurish shooter?
It was five-minute mayhem, carnage
Where he could not pardon himself
Drowned in blood he ate beastly
He is beyond any epithet; born on a fine day!
Who knows?
The womb of the mother tied to an umbilical cord
Raw scar of human creation pined in loneliness
On the vast shore of lamentation!
Only he could not hear; this made him dumb
In the insensitive firmament of tragedy!
The music of life stopped together;
All yelled in helplessness, in chorus!
Orchestrated a lone-wolf attack?
©Basudev Paul
About This Poem
Stephen Paddock, 64, of Mesquite, Nevada, USA, killed these people in a hotel just in five minutes. He possessed no criminal record. He killed himself as well. He was an ordinary citizen of the States.