The distant story enchanted us
Told of life on wakeup call
The hang of it not got
But adulthood desire cocooned
Winged like a child, open sky
It bore a heroic style
Could not assume the austerity;
The day untested, so far
Sure, goaded us there
On the realm of drill square
No sleep when the journey’s on!
Vein had been a rover
Morning tea was a flair
Bugle was alarmed on 0400 hours
Talked, torn, tossed on the barrack
Virgin places tortured ton;
Lost all power in pep up talk
The inept winnowed out
Showed no sign of chin up
Looked bizarre in uniform
Took pride in the county name:
The recruits suffered pain, unfelt
Bearded the sure, soared high
Canvas shoes seemed pinch hard
Morning PT infused guts
Swollen ankles forbid run;
Sick leave on fun: woke up all
Empty hall engulfed seclusion
Raring to go home, breezed in
Duty officer motivated us,
Awe and consternation, ribbed unnamed
Squeezed in shrinking fear,
Militiamen in robes peculiar!
Untested life, joy oozed in
Army life has been a buoy
On sun down sleeve down coy
An uninitiated pattern destined, designed;
Translated on a fine morn
Eateries were hard to norm,
Inner hunger incited form
Awoke to rise first, fast,
Drill sweated the morning,
Spick and span was the talk
Dropped beret cap got tongue lash,
New habitat took patience drill;
Half hope, half dream flashed in me
The reveille sounded the next morning,
Heard the rebel groups, silent, cool
Hummed the camp rules, ajar!
Left the Centre stage halfhearted,
The sound of bugle shelled the hearts
Rent the dream into pieces, shattered!
Nightmare stoned our minds;
Faces of blood boiled in us
Gripped hard, the rough path,
Pared the knotty thoughts, at par
Still wakeup call was the fairer
Jogged under silver light woke up the village,
Shrugged off morning mood with a neigh!
Flip-flop sounded the DMS shoes,
Nailed hard, soap softened last
Worked huge, tooth and nail;
Resolution, cut and dry
Left home with kids’ sigh!
Drill so strenuous, sigh so men,
Did they bleed on the drill square!
Alibi not accepted on flimsy name,
Some decamped at dead of night;
The barbed wire fencing did they flee
Relived the pent-up life
Again, toned up the morale,
Reluctant to RTU (Return to Unit)
Catalytic persuasion won our heart, ever,
Squeezed, crushed but not given up
Stood on our feet, tough
Regained hope of gold days,
Parrot like lesson got us charmed
The reveille sounded again at four!
Embers of hope regained home
The ray of dream got us rousing
We saluted the Drill Square!
Flashed in our inward eye
Homeward on reveille