Possessor of Two Eyes
You are the proud possessor of two eyes
Gifted by the Creator; hidden unless
Some of your blonds limn out to a nicety
Then emerges as a conscious propriety
Of your dark two eyes!
All bundle of anxiety finds a safe harbour
For safety, security, and killer of maleficence
Its nest is the human fence rests in serene peace
Sheens in its entire firmament, haloed
Then diffuses, and the whole world eyes!
They have been your barbary slave masters
Hard-hearted souls yield in your eyes
When covered by your tresses, eyes
Pierces the nefariety with the tenacity of redeyes!
Vision gray and you would succumb to decay
Ephemeral grandeur, like window-dressing!
Holds tight with louring but loses untied
No bond attracts! Time strips gloss -
Twilight beauty with a slackening knot
Au revoir the sunken sun on the shore!
Your dark two eyes!
©Basudev Paul