May Day
The first of May is a May Day
Unlike the other Day, this made a memento
For the class, dehumanized, below par
Rewritten the history, stained with gore
Shed the blood of lower rung
Fleeced money by the suckers
The hapless lot looked agape!
Shylocks’ canine smote, vitiated
Throat tearing poverty moved little
Their sweats were sown gold produce
Built edifice, their comfort zone
Young breaths oozed out, silently –
The labours like Ruth groaned
Reached not to the hoarder
They wallowed and amassed money
The vein on the wan, diminishing!
The stone like hunger engulfed them
Bereft of hearth and home
Slept on the muddy floor
Their life vitality yielded gold
The upheaval, an undertow, fomented
Wrested sleep from the profiteers
Now the united might:
Not a mere midge
Psychic wrecks unified them
To relandscape their role today
Brooked no inhumility, misanthrope
Sought justice for equity
For Paul Robeson, Mandela dreamt of