Basudev Paul
Nov 7, 2020


[199] Every Moment Fleets

Life has been a humdrum buzz

Full of upturn activities all through

Heavens’ forbiddance can’t stoop

The pressure of daily chores we face

Some play with hands; some by two legs

Both churn out to the world heritage

Some concede; some chin up to

Facing many dangers for the laurels

Of survival on these fleeting moments

Transient stay away from hearth and home

Forgetfuls aplenty scattered in mental rim

Anchorage pushed us into a comfy zone

Sight of familiarity assured divine security

Who told you had a jet lag in generation next?

Even in greyer silence I preferred to dust the

The house you left in disarray to attract self

Beingness got back renewed vigour on sight

Restless like childhood Merrigold wrapped

Around all doors of buoyancy trapped in time

Windows of wings had been freewheeling

Those things of smallness were to me

An uninhibited sacredness of immortal me

Helped settle down with objects hugged me

In the wilderness of joy unadulterated, this far

Caged in a human cuddle, the moments flit

©Basudev Paul

