[180] Bleeding Temple
Thy yard is no longer golden!
Trampled, frenzied rush, by votaries
Mine eyes have seen the glory
Torn apart now by zealots, mindless!
The golden temple has been lacerated
Like unruly clouds chase the wind
Could you heal up a bleeding heart?
Orchestrated such filthy on thine floor!
With aquiline nose, you smelled bad
Ye not iffy with the perpetrators?
Dirty clothes are used for erasing
Infamies! Souls lay bare, nudity
Uncivilized cruelty? No tolerance?
Such madness in multiples is rare
Like a disease, infectious, spreads
Every house sparkles with the minimum
The spirit is limitless; the nightful
Revelry on the festival has routed deep
Fathom by humans is well neigh rootless
Yes, outwardly, we are beside ourselves
Its gold yard has been bloodstain’d
Histrionic, so to say, fans rapidly
Not self-taught! Self-deprecation is needed
To save or sever ties banks on thee
Oh, Goddess! Thou observe and stand silent?
©Basudev Paul